#2 Now, Where, How

#2 Now, Where, How

Isaiah 2:1-22

Talk Outline

This Bible talk uses the “Now, Where, How” leadership framework to explore Isaiah 2, focusing on God’s vision for His people, their current state, and the way forward.

The where is depicted in Isaiah 2:1-4, showing God’s long-term plan—a future where righteousness flourishes, and nations are drawn to His presence. Isaiah is given this vision to inspire hope and assurance that God’s future will happen, even as things look bleak in the present.

The now is explored in Isaiah 2:6-21, where Israel’s reality is starkly different. The people are entrenched in pride, materialism, and false worship, having embraced superstitions and idols. Despite outward religious practices, their hearts have turned away from God. This cultural and spiritual disorder places them in direct opposition to God’s future plans. Their wealth and pride have made them arrogant, and their trust in human achievements and possessions distances them from true reliance on God.

The two how commands, found in Isaiah 2:5 and 2:22, provide the way forward.

First, the people are called to “walk in the light of the Lord,” which means to live in alignment with God’s holiness and purpose and letting his word and vision of life guide them.

Second, they are commanded to “stop trusting in mere humans,” urging them to place their ultimate trust in God rather than in material wealth or human strength.

In summary, Isaiah 2 challenges God’s people to reject pride and materialism and to pursue humility, faithfulness, and trust in God’s unshakeable kingdom.

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