Grace Women’s Conference

Grace Women’s Conference

Saturday, May 28

The book of Hosea is part of the 12 books of the Minor Prophets. But there is nothing minor about the message. Through the lens of a shockingly dysfunctional marriage, we get a picture of the relationship between Israel and God – Israel’s unfaithfulness in the context of their covenant relationship. But alongside this picture, we again see the wonder of grace. We see the God who loves with a costly love, a relentless love, a love that takes us all the way to the cross of Christ.​

Keynote Speaker

After 25 years of working at Sydney Missionary and Bible College Jenny is now entering into a new season of ministry – mentoring women in ministry in the context of the local church. She’s looking forward to encouraging them, listening, praying with and for them, and opening the Word together. And with the new year, she’s looking forward to new opportunities to serve the Lord and encourage her sisters in Christ.
