Easter Sunday 2023

Easter Sunday 2023

We reckon that best-ever story is not only historically true but also great news for people today. After all, Jesus is offering us a life with God, that address the longings of our hearts, the problems facing our world and giving us a bigger vision of where it’s all heading.

What can be better than that?

Come along over the easter weekend and explore a life with the God who see, knows and loves you more than you could imagine is like.

Big Questions

We also reckon that the easter story raises some big question too. Question like: Can we really believe Jesus rose from the dead? Is his death ethical and necessary if God is a God of love? And is eternal life really on offer, or, we are destined to return to dust? These are great questions and Christianity invites you to explore them. We have plenty of free copies of a short book to give away over Easter (Grab one when you come in over) or get it online at the below link.


Download and share the Easter invite on all your socials