Book: Forgiven Forever

Book: Forgiven Forever

For the last 4-years we have devoted some time each year as a church to reading a book together. We’ve looked at how to talk about Jesus, how to read the Bible and how to be a disciple of Jesus. This year, my desire is for us to deeper and mature in our understanding of the gospel of Jesus and the implications it has on daily Christian living and I reckon Forgiven Forever will help us do just that. It was written in 2023 by an Aussie Pastor from Perth, Rory Shiner.

Starting September, we will read this together as a church over 4-weeks. You can read it all in one go, or, use the following table to guide you in reading a few chapters each week:

September 8Ch 1-3
September 15Ch 4-6
September 22Ch 7-9
September 29Ch 10-13

Here’s a brief summary of the book from his introduction: “According to the Bible, the death of Jesus does more (not less) than offer forgiveness of sins. The death of Jesus achieves a bewildering host of outcomes. It defeats Satan, it overthrows the “rulers” and “authorities” in the heavenly realms (Eph 6:12), and it reconciles Jew and Gentile. The death of Jesus affects the way we share meals and visit restaurants, love strangers and plant churches, read the Old Testament and worship God. It should shape everything from our national politics to our life and home. The cross changes everything.

The cross changes everything. Do you believe that? Oh! I hope you do! And, I hope you’ll explore this more with me, speak about it with those you know, read the Bible to hear more and gather as often as you can, with as many believers as you can to encourage one another in the joy of the cross and being forgiven forever.

– Luke Dahlenburg